Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is Dedicated Meetingg?

Dedicated Meetingg is a telerconferencing system that enables users to communicate with other individuals across the globe using very little hardware requirement (camera, internet, and a PC). This type of communication is a basic type and does not utilize any internet-sharing abilities like cloud solutions. Each user can register as a service provider or as a service seeker or both. Users have the ability to present their experiences to other users in different predefined fields. Users can search for other users based on the experiences that they are looking for.

Q. What are the advantages of using a Dedicated Meetingg?

There are several advantages to using a Dedicated Meetingg:

  1. a platform allowing consultants and seekers to meet each other and schedule online meeting to address their needs
  2. Simple and quick system for all uses.
  3. The variability of different consultations is solved using very simple yet powerful interface.
  4. Reliable and secure system for all platforms.

Q. Who uses Dedicated Meetingg?
  1. Numerous professional experts who would like an easy way to interact with their clients.
  2. clients who are looking for experts in a specific field.
  3. Experts who are looking to share experience and exchange knowledge.
Q. How does Dedicated Meetingg differ from SaaS?

In a nutshell, Dedicated Meetingg is built as the ‘big screen’ solution that enables the clients to get a global view of teleconferencing and very quickly gain insider insights about the functionalities of cutting edge technology known as SaaS.

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